Preparing the new integrated IT information system to support the budget preparation, at subnational government level
This Component aims to achieve the following results :
- Contribute to the preparation of the IT systems strategic development plan for PFM and a detailed roadmap regarding the IT solution for integrated budget and accounting system (with milestones and deliverables) or its update, as needed
- Collect user and client requirements for the future budget system through consultation with relevant stakeholders at the central and local levels
- Support MOF in identifying business and technological owners of the future IT platform at the initial stages of the project
- Develop the IT platform, including business /user requirements, technical specifications documentation for a new IT platform for budget and accounting, a presentation/options paper elaborating on possible options within the IT platform capabilities and relevant cost estimates taking into account future maintenance, licensing and upgrading needs, and develop appropriate IT security policies for PFM data exchange among different levels of government that would be applicable for the IT platform
- Support Ministry of Finance in identifying sources of finances for the successful pilot and full-scale roll out of the project as regards IT infrastructure
- Identify trainings needs of budgeting staff at central and local level for the use of the future IT system, design and implement a training strategy. In case the system is installed, provide initial training.